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Tarot Trilogy Course

  • Learn correct and perform well-respected Tarot 24 hours or less
  • No memorization or previous knowledge of Tarot required
  • Based upon renown esoteric interpretations, rather than made up mentalist meanings
  • The best Tarot system for mentalists made easy and practical
  • 45 minutes of live readings to hear how the Tick Tarot system works in real life situations
  • Includes the special Tarot Audio Reprogramming Guide with full rights to use for your clients
  • Learn the deeper Tarot key words and meanings which take your Tarot readings to the next level
  • Learn the unique 5 Scent Reading using scented oils, complete with handout sheet
  • Courses release files in segments so you don't get overwhelmed or lost. Your first month begins the course, and then the rest of the related material is given out in segments, so you can easily absorb and practice these ideas.

If you can't afford Kenton's TAROT INTENSIVE yet, you can start to learn the basics of better Tarot readings today with this Course. Then you can move on to the Intensive when you are ready.


Tick Tarot Part 1

It took Kenton will take you mere minutes.

Do Tarot readings virtually overnight, and without memory required.

As many of you know, Kenton has been a serious student of secret symbolism and Tarot for decades. He refused to release anything on Tarot readings until he could pass along a system worthy of the real hidden meanings and programming in Tarot.

Finally, Kenton's work on REAL Tarot readings is here.

Rather than learn Tarot meanings from mentalists and internet "experts" you will learn how to do readings with Tarot that the most scholarly audience member must appreciate.

How difficult is it to learn? That's the best part for many performers!

As hard as it is to believe, Kenton has boiled down the most important meanings for every card in the Tarot deck and incorporated it into a mentalist's "tick sheet".

Yes, that blew our minds too.

You are supplied in PDF format a beautiful full color three fold panel brochure. The outside catches the attention of potential customers and audience members in a shop, studio or in a party situation.

Inside the brochure are little places to mark off depending on what cards a participant takes in a reading. It doesn't matter if the participant takes Major or Minor Arcana cards, as all the cards and proper meanings are associated inside the brochure. You simply tick off what the spectator chooses and read the key words from the brochure!

Just like that, you are doing a better Tarot reading than most mentalists or readers out there today.

There's a lot more to this too...

Kenton's training in symbolism and Tarot over the decades has allowed him to add what no other Tarot performer could. In this system you will learn how to use Tarot to reprogram the participant on the subconscious level and help them achieve their desires, new habits and goals. This is not some made up quack theory by mentalists. Everything taught by Kenton has been used by him and his countless teachers over decades, even centuries, of work with Tarot and related symbols.

The good news is that you don't have to memorize any of this knowledge. It's built right into the tick sheet and all you do is mark on the tick sheet which cards are chosen. Then you can instantly do the reading based upon what you read inside the tick sheet.

There is a separate sheet that lists all the reprogramming aspects and cards too, so you don't need to memorize those either. Everything is right in front of you as you need it.

Oh, and this works with playing cards as well. Not the same old mentalist associations to playing cards that are made up by other mentalists mind you, but the true deeper meanings only the most serious students of symbolism know. Now you will too.

If you wish to think, learn or remember a little bit, Kenton also supplies you with the inner secrets of planets and zodiac signs associated with the Major Arcana, deeper secret meanings of the Major Keys, which cards are specifically related to chakras according to ancient and hidden teachings, secret visual word associations that fit with the Major Keys and much more.

You will even be given sample readings and various common spread layouts for Tarot so you have everything you need to begin doing accurate and educated Tarot readings right away.

WE REPEAT. This is not the same old Tarot reading material as usually taught by mentalists and magicians who make up meanings, learn and teach each other based upon deception, or guess at card associations from things they learned in surface books or the internet. This is NOT one of the plethora of "made up systems" by yet another mentalist or magician for Tarot. This system is built by Kenton in accordance with the deepest insights and knowledge that Tarot offers based upon decades of intense studies by Kenton that continue to this day.

Lucky for you, Kenton has made all of this very simple and easy to perform, so you can literally begin doing your first reading right away.

Whether you are an expert in Tarot or are just beginning, when you use Kenton's system you will be more accurate and educated than most other mentalists and readers who have spent years learning from less educated teachers.

You get the full color three fold panel tick sheet brochure as a PDF file to print out as much as you wish, add in your contact information, and go right to work reading today. You also get over 30 pages of instruction and insight on Tarot and Kenton's system by Kenton himself. As if all this were not enough, you also get the black and white regular paper sheet versions of the brochure for black and white printing on standard paper, and the reprogramming sheet to print out or handout as you see fit.

Get decades of intense experience working for you literally overnight in your readings with TICK TAROT.


It took Kenton decades to do this...and now it is here. He couldn't have made it any easier.. Kenton insisted on a low price because he wants mentalists to be doing readings properly and with respect. You win again as a result of Kenton's insistence for better arcane mentalism. Get this now before he snaps out of his reprogrammed state of mind.

Tick Tarot Part 2

Kenton's popular Tick Tarot system just got kicked up to the next level...

In PART TWO of Tick Tarot you will HEAR how the readings actually sound with over 45 minutes of live readings in real life settings. Hear how the Tick Tarot process works in real life, and how easy it is to expand on these readings based upon the main key words and participant's interactions.

THEN...Learn an entirely different reading using scent or incense in this Tick Tarot Part 2 addition. You are supplied with Kenton's very direct and easy to perform 5 Scents Reading to learn in both PDF and audio.

You'll get the handout sheet to give to clients that allows you to read the 5 Scents meanings along with participants so no memory is involved. All the secret work is in the writing and it is already done for you! This makes a terrific giveaway and a very novel type of reading.

HEAR TOO how the Scent readings works for three people in a live setting in a special audio segment that is almost 15 minutes long. You'll love hearing how easy this 5 Scents reading is and how people interact with this unusual and highly memorable readings experience. As a quick reading, a light introduction to readings in a party situation, or as a desert to a full reading, the 5 Scents reading will be a pleasurable and memorable event for all. Hear for yourself how well this works!

PLUS...Kenton's Audio Tarot Reprogramming Guide for your clients is supplied. You'll get a very special audio program to help clients reprogram themselves with their Reprogramming Card from the first Tick Tarot in this set too. This audio program is one you can give away to clients. The Reprogramming audio helps guide a client to look at their Tarot Reprogramming card for an appropriate amount of time as a guided meditation. Loads of Wonder Words, special sounds and more are incorporated into this seven minute audio giveaway that clients may use daily (and think of you daily of course) as they reprogram themselves with the Tarot card you suggest as part of their reading.

Kenton uses the Tarot audio giveaway and also oil or incense in the 5 Scents reading as a way to stay in the minds of the participants long after they have left the reading.

All in all you get over an hour of live audio readings examples, the unique 5 Scents Reading handout and the Tarot Reprograming Audio Guide complete as part of this unique TICK TAROT PART TWO. Tarot Readings not only just got far easier, they have become even more memorable too with Tick Tarot Part Two.

This second part is like being right with Kenton as he performs readings. You will learn much by listening to Kenton perform Tick Tarot as well as by having these new tools and giveaways.

Also Included: ADDITIONAL TAROT ASSOCIATIONS relating Tarot cards to states of consciousness, the five senses, types of intelligence in an esoteric sense, and more. This extra bonus knowledge will take you to ever higher and deeper levels of insights and readings, whether for yourself or others.

Plus, learn how Kenton uses a simple strategy with a three pile reading that allows people to make choices which lessen skepticism and allows them to feel comfortable about the type of reading they are going to experience!

You will learn by absorbing Kenton's atmosphere as you listen to his readings performed live. Then learn the additional attributions, associations, and methods, as well as the Five Scents reading. Finally listen to the Audio Tarot Reprogramming guide as you look at your favorite card and experience it for yourself! You'll soon hear why this is a favorite gift of clients from Tarot readings.

You get the Tick Tarot Part 2 instructions, FIVE audio programs as MP3 files, the bonus Tarot Additions PDF for new associations and meanings, and the Five Scents handout sheet as a PDF to add your own contact information to use as giveaways. You also have full rights to give the audio Tarot Reprogram MP3 away to any and all of your clients when you purchase Tick Tarot Part 2 here now.

Tarot Without Memory by Kenton Knepper and Pablo Amirá

"This is the best course available ANYWHERE. Everyone, please obtain this course if you are interested in the Tarot. It will literally take YEARS off the learning curve and will finally help you to understand!"
— Adrian Fernandez

"Just read it for the second time today. Simply brilliant!!"
— Peter Korbus

"A very cool method for Tarot readings! Do yourself a favor and get this!"
— Ben Salinas

"What I've tried to convey in written word about my Bardic technique for Tarot (but struggled), Kenton Knepper & Pablo Amirá have nailed it with 'Tarot without Memory'. Kudos to them both on this wonderful release. Highly recommended for any student/reader of the Tarot."
— Peter Arcane

Just are able to do Tarot readings without memorization, without cue or tick sheets, without anything other than a deck of Tarot cards and a participant.

If you only can find part of a deck of Tarot cards, hey, that will work too.

Give an honest to goodness psychological Tarot reading without claiming psychic powers, or anything else.

Of course, if you already have intuitive abilities, this will work fine with those talents too.

A person shuffles a Tarot deck and freely chooses some cards. They tell a story based on the images. These cards are completely chosen, known or unknown, by the participant.

Then you tell the person what the cards indicate, how the images directly relate to their life, personality, main issues and concerns.

  • NO Memory Required
  • NO Knowledge of Tarot Required
  • NO Sleight of Hand
  • NO Forces
  • NO Guessing
  • NO Cold Reading
  • NO Learning Standard Lines

The truth is, the participant does all the work and they don't know it.

This system is based on psychological principles that have been used for many decades. Kenton and Pablo have made the original old systems new, making for secure, sound, logical, rational, yet mysterious and insightful readings anyone can do.

In just 25 pages you will learn it all. You will be able to begin to do this material right away.

This is an interactive Tarot reading. The principles have been used by psychologists and psychiatrists to instantly gain rapport and unconscious information about clients. Kenton and Pablo have made this approach easier than anyone thought possible. You do NOT need to be a scholar, psychologist, or genius to use this simple system.

Yes, it IS simple. It IS reliable. It IS psychologically sound.

No, there is nothing to memorize. You don't have to work hard at it. You don't have to have people write anything down.

All you need is this information and some Tarot cards. There is no other preparation. There is no preparation at all once you own this knowledge.

You could pay to go to school to learn psychology and spend years studying such things, and then rewire it all to make it work covertly in a Tarot reading, or you could just get this now and begin doing Tarot readings tomorrow.

You will also learn how to apparently know things about your friends too without anything at all...not even Tarot.


We know this might all sound too good to be true, but it is all we say and much more. The best parts we can't tell you about...but you'll see why we love this system once you get it, and we know you will too.

This is an amazing breakthrough and gift for anyone who wants to do readings, either mystical or psychological, for serious readings or as entertainment only.

No one can make REAL Tarot readings easier than Kenton and're about to see why.

This course of three lessons will teach you how to do Tarot readings virtually overnight, and have you performing them in a week.

Not only that, this course will allow you to make more accurate Tarot readings that even the finest Tarot reader or student will acknowledge as correct. No other mentalist or reader's system can make that claim in all honesty.

This Course gives you the first lesson(s) to work and play with immediately. Then, every 7 days, a new part of the Course will appear in your online account, until you receive all of the lessons in your Course.

The Courses allow for you to learn well each part or lesson before moving on to the next part. We have found this to be the very best way to study and learn Kenton's classic and most important works.

"This is the best Tarot reading guide I've encountered, bar none. The method is as simple and as effective as promised, but even more importantly, the readings are profoundly meaningful. The vital inclusion of detailed sample readings makes the entire system crystal clear.

As a surprise bonus, Kenton shares for the first time a subtle tip he has kept secret for decades -- a technique that brings an extra 'wow' factor to the reading.

Additionally, Kenton reveals a crucial secret of the ages that promises to make any reading seem wizardly/miraculous. Both of these bonuses are optional, but who doesn't want more wizardly wows?!

Even more intriguingly (if I'm even allowed to mention this), the final bit of instruction illuminates how to apply this system outside of Tarot readings, in one's daily life, to strengthen client relationships and to deepen friendships. There is a LOT more in this system than the description promises."
— Eric Clay Ong

Here is the bottom line review from Jheff at

"This is a terrific technique and, for the price, anyone who reads Tarot, or wants to, should get this... it won't take you long to read these and get started...With these texts you'll easily learn how to be a competent, professional reader."
— Jheff,


  1. Tick Tarot Part 1

  2. Tick Tarot Part 2

    1 Download
  3. Tarot Without Memory (PDF Download)

    1 Download
Tags Readings
Media Type Online Course

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Customer Reviews

  • Kenton's Tarot material is outstanding.

    5 Stars

    There may not be a fast track to learn Tarot. At the end of the day, everyone needs to study and reflect on the symbolic meaning. That journey can take years, but guidance will give you a huge leap forward. Kenton's material is outstanding.

    - Andreas Sebring

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    By Far The BEST of The BEST

    5 Stars

    I've read a lot of books on Tarot in the past and this course is by far the best of the best. Tarot Trilogy will have you reading in a matter of minutes and engrave it in your head to the point that it is second nature. Intuitive and inspiring.

    - Michael Loeks

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    Now is your chance to jump on this!

    5 Stars

    I've been interested in Tarot for years. I've also been frustrated by Tarot. It has always seemed like an almost impossible hurdle to clear due to the complexity of the Tarot. 78 cards divided into two sections, each card filled with evocative imagery and symbolism, correspondences with astrology, runes, Kabala, and the ever present possibility of giving the "wrong" interpretation in a reading for a subject who has literally studied more than I have, has made me "back burner" my cards and books more times than I can count.

    If only someone would come up with a way to take the steep slope out of the learning curve!

    Well, with Tarot Trilogy Course, Kenton Knepper has done just that. Although it uses a tic sheet, it's not just another tic sheet reading method. The tic sheet is the key to learning Tarot while you do readings, provides the subject with something to take home to be reminded about what they learned in the reading, and a valuable marketing tool.

    In addition, Kenton provides information about how to continue to study the Tarot after you get the basics down and with valuable advice on what you can and shouldn't do as a reader not qualified as a counselor. If you've always wanted to learn Tarot but have hesitated in the past, now is your chance to jump on this and get to work.

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    Worth Every Dollar

    5 Stars

    I just got the full Tarot Trilogy Course. It is worth every dollar. This work is 100x what you get from traditional books and info on the tarot. At the same time it keeps it basic, and is easy to learn! - Corey White

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  • 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    Tarot Without Memory

    5 Stars

    There is a well-known psychological test in which the client is instructed to describe things and, through the descriptions, the psychologist can easily tell quite a bit just by what the client is saying. Basically, that's what's at the heart of the methodology in this 27-page PDF. And, yes, I'm also implying that this technique is very close to being the "real thing," depending upon your viewpoint of what real psychology is.

    One of my issues with doing Tarot readings is having to remember all those meanings. Several authors and creators have released wonderful methods or mnemonics for learning all of this. My favorite and easiest method is Enrique Enriquez' INVISIBLE TAROT. It teaches one to study the pictures and just interpret the images, among other fairly easy techniques.

    TAROT WITHOUT MEMORY takes a different approach and flips the role of the storyteller to the participant. As the blurb proclaims, no memorization is needed, but it greatly helps to study the pictures in advance so that you know what to say. If it makes it easier, as the manuscript explains, start with using fewer cards, such as some selected minor Arcana cards or just the Major Arcana cards.

    The only consideration that I'll toss out is that it will help greatly if you are a good listener and if you've been educated on how to be a good counselor. I can't tell you how many readings I've seen, or read about, in which readers inadvertently say the most careless and hurtful phrases, mostly because they haven't been trained or educated. I won't say that it's essential to using this system, but it certainly can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your participant's experience.

    This is a terrific technique and, for the price, anyone who reads Tarot, or wants to, should get this. Also, it's a twenty-seven page PDF, so it won't take you long to read this and get started. And, for those looking for a complete package to get you started reading Tarot professionally, also get Kenton's TICK TAROT, Enrique Enriquez' INVISIBLE TAROT, and Scott Grossberg's THE VITRUVIAN SQUARE, along with some texts on being a good counselor. With these texts you'll easily learn how to be a competent, professional reader.

    — Jheff,

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